Weebly blogs

Blogs are a great way to communicate with the World, I am using one at this very minute, but lately I have started to feel that it would be nice to try something other than wordpress, WP is great don’t get me wrong, and I love all the fun plugins available to do just about […]

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More Videos

Videos are proving to me they are a unique and great way to promote content, and in an appealing way that is so hard to achieve using text or text and imaginary together in the more traditional manner.  I can see the real benefits in creating a video channel on youtube, though it is unfortunate […]

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I’ve used Tumblr once before, I remember back in maybe 2008 creating a small network of blogs to support a few of my sites at the time, the problem then was they were not great quality so when Panda and Penguin came along they became classed as spammy and I deleted them. Their site is […]

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