Stemit – stem the flow?

Stemit is an odd sort of name for a British English speaker as it sounds like Stem the Flow as it stopping the flow of blood from a bad injury or something that has been damaged, I am sure that is a very inappropriate reflection of this website as it looks nice and the content I have found on there is of a very good standard, but nevertheless I can’t shake off that association.

Here is my post on Stemit.

Maybe needs a bit of a nudge to get going, though I am hopefully looking forward to seeing how it progresses.  Back soon with an update on Stemit.

Stems can also mean the part of plant which things grow from which I guess is the meaning they prefer us all to use!  Here is a lovely pic of stems of flowers growing on a great Spring day.  It will soon be here as we saw Snow Drops in the park on Sunday already!




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